4 Tactful Ways To Increase Views On Less Popular Blog Posts - NP GROUP

After investing time and energy into creating blog content, it should still be optimized for promotion to give it a fighting chance.

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4 Tactful Ways To Increase Views On Less Popular Blog Posts - NP GROUPNPG882 Pompton Ave, 882 Pompton Ave Cedar Grove, NJ 07009After investing time and energy into creating blog content, it should still be optimized for promotion to give it a fighting chance.

4 Tactful Ways To Increase Views On Less Popular Blog Posts

5 MinAUGUST 3, 2016

Driving traffic to your engaging, quality-rich blog content is a key element to increasing brand exposure, boosting lead conversions, and sharing value to your target audience. As you continue to follow your blogging strategy, there will be posts that tend to do well; creating lots of engagement through social shares and comments while generating leads into your funnel. This is what you desire for every post.

However, some blog content will not get the attention you expected. Perhaps it’s a topic you thought would resonate with your audience, yet traffic volume was extremely low…and you’re not sure why. It happens, but because you invested the time and energy into creating your content, it should still be optimized and promoted to give it a fighting chance. In this event, there are tactful steps you can take to help boost its visibility and get it in front of your audience. 

Here are four practical tips you can implement to increase views on those less popular blog posts: 

1. Enhance SEO Techniques Throughout The Post

With just a few small tweaks, you can greatly enhance your SEO tactics in your blog content to help with better visibility in the search engines. Check out these easy ways to improve your SEO ranking on the low-traffic blog posts:

  • Dwell time, or how long visitors spend on your website, can affect SEO ranking. The longer and value-rich your content is, the better it ranks on SEO while engaging your audience.
  • Signal relevancy of your content to the search engines by using keywords for your image file name, alt tag, title, description, and captions
  • Search engines rate keywords in header tags (i.e. h1, h2, etc.) more heavily. Boost your SEO ranking by including relevant terms in your header tags.  This also improves the user experience when you break up the content into sections, making it easier to digest.
  • Studies continue to show that incorporating credible outbound links into your content has a positive effect on SEO. Be sure to include authoritative links throughout your post…however, don’t overdo it. Have just enough where it complements your content yet doesn't distract people from easily flowing through your post.
  • Your overall blog/website design and performance does have an impact on SEO ranking and traffic. Using simple yet professional themes, ensuring your page load speeds are optimal, having proper formatting and layout that makes your blog easy to follow, and clear navigation will help enhance SEO and the user experience.

2. Add More Visuals To Your Content

According to HubSpot, content with relevant images receive 94% more views than content without them. Social shares actually double when you include an image for every 75-100 words throughout your post. Therefore, beef up the visuals in your blog posts that lack sufficient traffic. Simply make them relevant to your blog content. Use call-to-action buttons versus texts to enhance lead conversions.  Finally, create an image with your blog post title to use at the start of your post and for social media content. 

3. Promote Your Post Using Twitter Cards

Twitter Cards is a great tool to help boost traffic to your specific blog post. Essentially they're larger tweets that incorporate images and allow you to have buttons built into the tweet. You can create engaging calls to action, post attractive images right in the stream, and even have download links attached directly to the tweet. 

Twitter cards are more effective and attention-grabbing than plain texts. In fact, tweets with images get 18 percent more clicks than those without. Design a few images that complement your blog post and use Twitter Cards to promote it. Incorporate relevant hashtags within your tweet along with the link that directs back to the post.

4. Repurposing Your Content

The good news about your low-trafficked blog post is that there are several different ways that you can convert that content into other forms to truly engage your audience and expand your reach. To repurpose content, you can use your blog content as the base to create multiple pieces of content through video, infographics, webinars, visuals, live-stream video broadcasts, whitepapers, podcast content…the options are endless! The key is to ensure that you link the original blog post with these different avenues to send traffic that way.

Implementing these highly effective tactics on your less popular blog posts will help improve traffic generation to your content. This is a great strategy to get your message in front of your audience, opening more doors for lead conversions and growing your sales funnel.

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