How To Make A Great First Impression With Your Homepage

By Sebastien Jean-Baptiste

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When someone visits your website, it’s imperative that you establish your value to them right away. You want to make it clear that your content will be beneficial to them and that the products or services you provide are useful.

That being said, without an inviting and interactive homepage, you are missing out on a number of invaluable opportunities to engage your visitors.

It’s crucial to give your visitors an incentive to interact with you, which could help turn them into leads and potentially nurture them into new clients. Don’t underestimate the value of a carefully planned inbound marketing strategy where every homepage visit and online connection has the potential to generate new customers with far-reaching benefits for your long-term success and future revenue streams.

Define your purpose

The first thing you have to do is come to a decision regarding the purpose of your homepage. Will your goal be to provide web crawlers, search engines, and visitors with the fundamental information about your business? Or will you use it to promote new products, share regular blog posts, and actively engage with your customers? Alternatively, you may want a custom web design that allows you to sell your products and services directly online.

Reduce the clutter

Your visitors will have a problem and are looking for a solution—fast. The average Internet user spends approximately 10 seconds on a website, and if you haven't been able to catch their interest within this time frame, you will have lost the opportunity.

You should develop a concept that informs your visitors of how your business will address their needs as efficiently as possible. When faced with a small but carefully selected number of options, they'll be able to come to a decision quickly.

Follow your branding strategy

If your visitors are interacting with a homepage design that is radically different from the rest of your brand, you run the risk of causing some serious dissonance in their experience. It will have a negative effect on their commitment to buy, as well as their eagerness to sign up for mailing lists, participating in promotions, etc. Your branding strategy should be fully integrated with your homepage to increase the impact and visibility of your online presence. 

Deliver your value proposition

When designing your homepage, you should develop a strategy for how you want visitors to interact with your website and how it should impact their awareness of your brand. Make sure that your homepage delivers a clear value proposition right from the start.

It's also worth considering how much information a visitor should have to provide to access your certain content and how your homepage can funnel them toward taking that step. Keep things simple. You need your visitors to see you as a trustworthy business partner. Don’t ask for more information than what you actually need.

Identify opportunities

How do your competitors engage their visitors through their homepages? Identify opportunities and rewrite your own homepage content for crucial keywords. Capitalize on gaps in your competitors’ content and design strategy. Remember: Great custom web design should be able to improve your SEO ranking, and it should always take your keyword strategy into consideration, especially on your homepage.

Know your target group

Who are your customers? Once you have identified your ideal customer, you should be able to tailor your content to their specific interests, challenges, and unique requirements. You should be able to provide content that is valuable to different types of visitors and adjusted for how they each choose to interact with your business.

Maintain and update your website

If the purpose of your homepage is to have a dynamic interaction with your visitors and customers, it is important that it is actively maintained. A successful website requires regular updates, and the homepage is one of the most important spots to keep fresh.

You should consider developing a content strategy that outlines how often your website will be updated and by whom. Ensure that all content is relevant for your target group, and that the content on your homepage in particular is always created and updated with this audience in mind. With a clear strategy in place, you won’t need to worry about veering off-message as your site evolves over time.

The old adage rings true: “if it is worth doing, it is worth doing right.” By following these recommended best practices on your homepage (and the rest of your site, for that matter), you will be better able to engage and interact with your visitors from the very first time they visit your site, as well as establish your credibility and strengthen your online presence.

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